Saturday, April 2, 2016

Production Schedule

Below is my production schedule for the following week. Hopefully I will stick to it and complete things by the date I said they would be completed. If I do, next week will be less stressful.

opening section:

  • What is to be done:
    - Write out a script for the opening section.
  • Location:
    - Dorm room
  • Planned date & time:
    - Monday April 4th at 6pm
  • Resources required:
    - Computer (sources and blogs)
  • Date completed:
    -Monday April 4th
  • Changes made after completion & reasons why:
- Change if necessary to fit rubric

3 main body sections:
  • What is to be done:
    - Write out a script for the 3 body sections
  • Location:
    - Dorm room
  • Planned date & time:
    - Tuesday and Wednesday, April 5th and 6th, whenever I have time throughout the day
  • Resources required:
    - Computer(sources and blogs)
  • Date completed:
    - Wednesday April 6th
  • Changes made after completion & reasons why:
- Change if necessary to fit rubric and make sure it flows

closing section:
  • What is to be done:
    - Write out a script for the closing section
  • Location:
    - Dorm room
  • Planned date & time:
    - Thursday April 7th at 10pm
  • Resources required:
    - Computer(sources and blogs)
  • Date completed:
    - Thursday April 7th
  • Changes made after completion & reasons why:
- Change if necessary to fit rubric

record opening, body, and closing sections:
  • What is to be done:
    - Record myself saying my written out scripts
  • Location:
    - Dorm room
  • Planned date & time:
    - Friday April 8th at 6pm
  • Resources required:
    - Computer and microphone
  • Date completed:
    - Friday April 8th
  • Changes made after completion & reasons why:
- Change if information does not flow/ sound good and if my voice is not strong/    
passionate enough

add video and images:
  • What is to be done:
    - Add pictures and video to my voice recording on iMovie
  • Location:
    - Dorm room
  • Planned date & time:
    - Saturday and Sunday, April 9th and 10th, throughout the day when I have time
  • Resources required:
    - Computer, iMovie, youtube, google, sources
  • Date completed:
    - Sunday night April 10th
  • Changes made after completion & reasons why:
- If I am not pleased with the way it looks and the images do not capture my viewers 
attention I can change the images and videos

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job at scheduling everything out for yourself. Hopefully you can keep to the schedule, because I know I have trouble doing so. I recommend you use gear-to-go if you haven't looked into that already. If you're making a video I would recommend making several takes of one section so that you can choose what you like and edit it all together. It'll be easier than trying over and over.
