Thursday, March 31, 2016

Content Outline

This blog outlines every section for project 3. It was a great way for me to gather my evidence and organize all of my information. I decided to make a video essay so this outline will also be helpful for writing a script.

An opening section:
  • I am going to begin my video essay by explaining the women’s soccer team filing a report demanding equal pay as the men’s soccer team. I will also introduce myself and state my credibility.
At least 3 main body sections (more’s fine):
  • My first body section will discuss the logos, including statistics and facts, about how much less the women’s soccer team is getting paid to men.
  • My second body section is going to move on to how women in general and in many other jobs are getting paid less than men and why that is not fair.
  • My third paragraph will explain what is causing this issue and what can be done to solve it.
A closing section:
  • My closing section will appeal to my readers emotionally. I am going to reiterate what I talked about in the opening section. I will also share a personal story and why I am passionate about women’s rights and equality.
Main idea for each section:
  • The opening section is going to captivate my audience and make them interested in my topic. I am going to appeal to them emotionally.
  • My first body section is going to appeal to them by using logos. It is going to go into further explanation about the women’s soccer team and give specific facts.
  • My second body section is, again, going to appeal to my viewers by using logos. However, instead of specifically discussing women’s soccer, I am going to inform my audience of the inequality of pay in all workplaces. I will also bring up counter arguments and defend my side.
  • In my third body section, I will be explaining the history of gender pay discrimination and how far we’ve come. I will also talk about how much more needs to change, and what we can do to solve the problem.
  • My conclusion will again appeal to my viewers emotionally and also give my information credibility by including my works cited.
Major pieces of evidence for each body section (there should be at least 2 for each):

Section #1:
  • I am going to give the statistics of how much less the women’s soccer team is getting paid than the men’s national soccer team.
  • I am also going to use quotes from the players as evidence.
Section #2:
  • I am going to give the statistics of how much women are payed compared to men in the general workplace.
  • I am also going to use evidence that the women are indeed doing the same amount of work as the men.
Section #3:
  • I will give the numbers of what the pay gap used to be compared to now.
  • I will also use quotes about what being are saying countering this argument and what we can do to solve it.
Summary of what the evidence proves (for each piece of evidence):
  1. This proves that the women are indeed getting payed significantly less than the men’s national soccer team.
  2. This provides primary evidence to support claims.
  3. The third piece of evidence, again, proves how much less women are getting paid than men in the workplace.
  4. This proves that the women deserve equal pay.
  5. This proves how far we have come and that it is possible to keep fighting to get complete equal pay between genders.
  6. This addresses the counter arguments and gives evidence stating why they are wrong.
Summary of why that’s important (for each piece of evidence):
  1. This is important because it provides logos to support my statement.
  2. The quotes are important because they make it more real and personal to the audience, especially since they are from the women on the national team themselves.
  3. Again, this is important because it appeals to my viewers logical side.
  4. This is important because it proves how the unequal pay is unfair because men and women do they same amount of work, appealing to the emotional side of my viewers.
  5. This piece of evidence establishes credibility and proves to my viewers change is possible.
  6. The last piece of evidence is important because it brings up counter arguments. It is important to bring them up, yet give facts and quotes as to why those counter arguments are wrong.
Some ideas about how to grab the reader’s attention in the opening section (at least 2):
  • I am going to grab the readers attention by making the information interesting and relatable to them.
  • I am also going to grab their attention with the sound of my voice and images in my video essay. They will be able to hear the passion in my voice and want to hear more of what I have to say.
Some ideas about how to explain the larger significance of your subject in the closing section (at least 2):
  • I am going to talk about equality and why it is important as free Americans.
  • I am also going to talk about the next generation and why it is important to demand change and equal pay now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily!

    I absolutely love that you incorporated rhetorical strategies into your outline and how you're using them to get your audience to feel a certain way very consciously. I believe that my outline personally could definitely benefit from this. However, I think that you should also focus on the form of a video essay and how you are going to incorporate different forms of audio and visual stimulation in order to keep your audience engaged throughout the project.
