Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Time Period

My controversy mainly happened during the months of February, March, and April of 2011. The Academy Awards where Natalie Portman won the Oscar for best actress for the movie "Black Swan" was on February 27, 2011. Sarah Lane wrote her article sparking the controversy on March 30, 2011. My local, national, and global stories are all from February, March, and April of 2011.

Altmann, Gerd. "News."5/4/11 via Pixabay. CC0 Public Domain 

Local News Stories:

National News Stories:

It was difficult to find news stories during 2011 that were related to or affected my controversy. The local news stories were in Hollywood and included a story where Jeremy Jackson was not buff enough for a role in “Game of Thrones,” so he used steroids to get the part. This relates to my controversy Natalie Portman had to lose 20 pounds and train vigorously for her role in “Black Swan.” One of my national news stories relates to my controversy because the boss for the TV show “Skins” defends his show and says it is not racist. This is similar to how the producers and directors defend Natalie by saying she did most of the dancing in the movie. I could not find any global news stories that were related to my controversy. 

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