Tuesday, February 23, 2016

My Interview Subjects

I am currently a dance major at The University of Arizona School of Dance, so I interviewed five grad students here at the School of Dance. I thought it would be interesting to see their different inspirations and processes for creating their choreography for their thesis. Below is background information about two grad students I interviewed/ am going to interview. 
ClkerFreeVectorImages. “Dancer.” 4/6/12 via Pixabay. CC0 Public Domain. 

Interviewee #1: Myra Joy Veluz

Myra Joy Veluz, Grad student at The University of Arizona School of Dance

Linkedin page found here.

 Organizations/ Job Titles :

  • Second year grad student at The University of Arizona School of Dance
  • Executive Board Social Chair and College of Fine Arts Representative for the Graduate and Professional Student Council
  • Trainer at Pop Physique San Marino
Higher Education :

  • Received a BFA in dance,  a BA in Sociology, and an Anthropology minor from The University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Currently working towards her MFA in dance at The University of Arizona School of Dance
Years Worked in Field Professionally :
  • In 2006, she joined the “Let’s Dance Company” and toured Australia and Germany
  • Myra rejoined the company in 2010 at East Los Angeles College
  • She performed with the company annually and became the teaching assistant at East Los Angeles College for 4 years
  • For 2 months she was also the dance instructor at the Summer Institute for the Gifted at UCLA
  • She is now teaching and choreographing at The University of Arizona School of Dance to complete her MFA in dance 
Scheduled Interview :
  • Date: February 22, 2016
  • Time: 3 pm 
  • Location: Grad Dance Office 
Interview Questions :
  1. How would you describe your position as a grad student at the University of Arizona?
  2. How has your time traveling and studying at The University of California, Santa Barbara prepared you for the kinds of work you engage with in your profession?
  3. What inspires you to create your work (specifically your thesis)?
  4. What is your creative process for creating your work?
  5. How do you expose your work to the world?
  6. How much consideration do you give to your intended audience?
  7. Are there any other genres you work in as a dancer?
  8. What writing situations have you been put into?
  9. Is there anything about professional communication that you think young people just starting out as dancers should now?

Interviewee #2: Magda Kaczmarska

Magda Kaczmarska, Grad student at The University of Arizona School of Dance

Website found here.

 Organizations/ Job Titles :

  • Second year grad student at The University of Arizona School of Dance
  • Model at The Drawing Studio, Inc.
  • Company dancer/ rehearsal director at Evolve Dance-West
Higher Education :
  • Received BFA in dance at The University of Arizona School of Dance
  • Currently working towards her MFA in dance at The University of Arizona School of Dance
Years Worked in Field Professionally :
  • Has been performing/ choreographing since 1996, with companies such as Southern Arizona Dance Theatre, Flor de Liz Dance Ensemble, and Dance Rhapsody
  • Has been teaching since 2004 at places such at Dance Rhapsody, Showbiz Dance Academy, Breakout Studios, and Flowing Wells High School
Scheduled Interview :
  • Date: February 24, 2016
  • Time: 4 pm
  • Location: Grad Dance Office 
Interview Questions :
  1. How would you describe your position as a grad student at the University of Arizona?
  2. How has your professional background prepared you for your time as a grad student at The University of Arizona School of Dance?
  3. What inspires you to create your work (specifically your thesis)?
  4. What is your creative process for choreographing?
  5. How do you expose your work to the world?
  6. How much consideration do you give to your intended audience?
  7. What are some of the most challenging or rewarding audiences you have choreographed for?
  8. Are there any other genres you work in as a dancer?
  9. Is there anything about professional communication that you think young people just starting out as dancers should now?

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