Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Peer Review 1

I peer reviewed Julia Davenport's draft for project one. Her draft can be found here. My complete rubric for her project with my grading and comments can be found here

Cleonard. "Rubric." 3/18/14 via Wikimedia. Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

After reviewing Julia's draft, I realized there are many revisions I need to make on my Quick Reference Guide. Along with Julia, I realized I did not give specific enough descriptions of my stakeholders. I also need to talk about how the setting affects my controversy and what else was happening in the world during the time period. However, I used the conventions of the QRG very well by adding subheadings, sidebars, and many pictures throughout. My project is also already in the correct format. Some mistakes Julia made in her draft was not using vivid descriptions to describe her stakeholders and not including pictures to make the QRG more appealing to the eye. However, I enjoyed how she made the quotes very big then explained them in the paragraph below them. I also liked how she used an event that happened in 2015 that relates to her controversy to begin her QRG, and then went in to how it started and explained her controversy in more detail.

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