Friday, February 26, 2016

My Interviewees as Professional Writers

This blog post was difficult for me because both of my interviewees are grad students and do not have any professional publications in academic journals. However, I could find some of their choreography which they have either posted on Facebook or Youtube.

Brownell, Ryan. “Bella Rose Arts Centre Stage.” 2/17/09 via Wikipedia. Attribution 3.0

#1 Myra Joy Veluz

Professional Publications:
  • I could not find a lot about Myra’s professional publications because she is still very young. I know she has choreographed before, but she does not publish it online or on Youtube. However, she does write articles about dance interviews and critiques for shows on a website called Stage and Cinema. 
Two Different Publications:
  • Myra did not publish this herself, but here is a video of a dance she choreographed at UCSB. It is called, "Global Eyes Dance" and was posted on Youtube by Sara Jewell. Another one of Myra’s publications is an article she wrote on the website Stage and Cinema. She wrote about an interview between the Stage and Cinema crew and a famous tap dancer, Savion Glover. The article is called, “Dance Interview: Savion Glover (Tap Dancer and Choreographer of Stepz.” These two genres are very different from each other. One is visual and is left to the audience to interpret. The other is written and is merely describing an interview to inform its audience details about Savion Glover and his new show Stepz. 
Context Surrounding the Two Different Pieces:

  • Myra’s “Global Eyes Dance” was posted on March 1, 2011. It was posted as a video on Youtube. Her audience was individuals who went to the UCSB dance show and either have a background in dance, know someone in the show, or enjoy watching dance. Myra’s article was published on March 3, 2014 on a website called Stage and Cinema. Her audience would be people who read articles on that websites and people who are fans of dance. 
Overall Message of Each Piece:
  • The overall message of Myra’s choreography, Global Eyes Dance, is that of dark, energetic chaos. There is no story to it, but rather a piece for the audience to interpret themselves and enjoy. I can tell this by the way they dance in the video. They are in black costumes and dance without telling a story. The message of her article about Savion Glover is to share with her audience an interview between Glover and the crew from the online website, Stage and Cinema. It is formal and biased towards Glover’s accomplishments with his new show. I can tell it is biased because Myra states, “Savion Glover is easily one of the best tap dancers this country has ever produced."
Purpose of Each Piece:

  • The purpose of Myra’s dance was to entertain her audience and take them out of their everyday lives into more of a dark and emotional place. I could tell this by the music, their dark costumes, and choreography on the floor. The purpose of Myra’s article was to inform her audience of Savion Glover’s new show. She states when and where the show will be held and praises the show by giving it good reviews. 

#2 Magda Kaczmarska

Professional Publications:
  • Like Myra, there was not a lot I could find about Magda’s professional publications. All I could find were videos of her choreography she has posted on Facebook. I could not find any written publications by Magda. 
Two Different Publications:
  • One of Magda’s publications on Facebook is a dance she choreographed and performed in at The University of Arizona School of Dance’s Last Chance to Dance and Here and Now shows. The piece is called, “I Play the Wind.” Another video she posted on Facebook was a dance that she performed in a studio. She did not give the piece a name but it can be found here. Both of these dances are Magda’s choreography and have the same genre conventions. 
Context Surrounding the Two Different Pieces:

  • Magda’s first piece was posted on May 7, 2015. It was posted as a video on Facebook. Her audience was people who attended the show and all of her friends on Facebook. The second dance she posted was a video on Facebook as well. It was posted on October 9, 2014 in Tucson. Her audience is her friends on Facebook, specially one person, Davonna, who she tagged in it. 

Overall Message of Each Piece:
  • Magda’s first dance, which is called,“I Play the Wind,” is danced to spoken word along with music. For the first half of the dance, Magda and her partner, Julian Johnson, are dancing to someone reading a poem. The message of the piece is of beauty and connecting souls. I could tell by their movement and the words from the poem. The second dance is performed purely to music. It starts on the floor and has a more sad and peaceful message to it. I could tell this my the music and slow movement. 

Purpose of Each Piece:
  • Both dances have the same purpose. They are trying to entertain their audiences and evoke emotion from them. Whether it is sad, happy, or angry emotion, that is up to the audience and how they connect with the dance. 

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