Friday, February 5, 2016

The Big Event

Below is a description of the main event that started my controversy. This is just an overview because there are many details and different sides to the controversy. However, this blog was very helpful towards finally getting myself to begin writing the project!
Shakko. "Ballet Dancer Symbol." 12/22/11 via Wikimedia Commons. Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported. 

A few days after an article was posted called “The Real Black Swan,” Sarah Lane, the dancing double for Natalie Portman in the movie “Black Swan,” was asked not to give anymore interviews until after The Academy Awards. Lane was not only asked to be quiet about being Portman’s double, but she also received very little credit for her role in the movie to begin with. She was credited as “Stunts” and “Lady in the Lane.” To top it off, Natalie Portman won the Oscar for best actress in the movie “Black Swan,” and thanked everyone else in the movie cast, except Lane. As Lane sat at home on the couch watching Portman receive all of the credit on stage at The Academy Awards, she decided she could not keep quiet anymore. Lane wrote an article stating how she, in fact, performed a majority of the dancing scenes in the movie and that it was a façade that Natalie Portman was able to become a professional ballerina in a year and a half. Even though Portman did not want to contribute to the gossip, her co-stars and producers for the movie spoke up for her. They defended how vigorously Portman trained for the movie and how she even lost 20 pounds for it. They argued that almost all of the close up dancing shots in the movie were done by Natalie Portman, and that she won the Oscar for her acting, not dancing. Lane agreed that Portman deserved the Oscar. However, she thought it was disrespectful to dance as an art form and all of the dancers who have slaved their entire lives to become professional ballerinas. Both sides make good points and the controversy is still up in the air. Did Natalie Portman receive more credit for “Black Swan” than she deserved and Sarah Lane not enough?

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