Wednesday, February 24, 2016

My Interviewees on Social Media

This blog post shares which social media networks my interviewees are on and how they present themselves on those networks. I learned that how one presents themselves on social media is very important. I also learned that since social media networks are becoming so popular in the 21st century, it is a great way to expose one’s work.
LinkedIn. “LinkedIn Logo.” 3/10/11 via Wikimedia. Public Domain. 

#1 Myra Joy Veluz

Social Media Networks:

Social Media Presence:

  • Myra’s social media presence varies. On Facebook she is pretty laid back. She shares her dance videos and also promotions for upcoming shows, while also engaging with friends and family. Her LinkedIn is very professional. It describes her education, experience, certifications, skills, and a short bio. Myra’s Youtube account is of her teaching and choreography. I learned she is a very skilled and experienced dancer who is also a fun person. 
Persona on Social Media vs. Academic Journal:

  • This question does not apply to Myra because she has never written in an academic journal. Her publication of her choreography was posted on a social media network, Youtube. Her articles that she writes for Stage and Cinema are very professional yet also very personal because she adds her own voice to them. 

#2 Magda Kaczmarska

Social Media Networks:

Social Media Presence:

  • Magda’s social media presence on Facebook and LinkedIn is professional. She uses them as a way to connect with other dancers and expose her work. However, her Instagram is of her personal life. I learned that Magda is a very dedicated dancer who loves getting involved in anything related to dance. 
Persona on Social Media vs. Academic Journal:
  • Again, this question does not apply to Magda. Her publications of her choreography are on Facebook. 

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