Monday, February 1, 2016

Analysis of My Rhetorical Situation

Was too much credit given to Natalie Portman for all of the dancing scenes included in "Black Swan" and not enough credit to her dance double Sarah Lane? This is my specific controversy that I am focusing on for my rhetorical situation. 
OpenClipartVectors. "Film." 7/12/13 via Pixabay. CC0 Public Domain. 

1.   Audience
The audience for my rhetorical situation would be individuals who are interested in the controversy between Natalie Portman and her dancing double, Sarah Lane.  Those people include fans of Natalie Portman and the movie “Black Swan” and people who support or are involved in the dance community. The Natalie Portman fans would probably read People Magazine, movie reviews in newspapers, and any Hollywood gossip on websites. They would also watch shows such as The Academy Awards and Golden Globe Awards and any radio news about celebrities. These people could be any class, gender, and race who are interested in the film and movie industry. The people in the dance community would read magazines such as Dance Spirit and Pointe and any websites relating to dance. They would probably watch live dance performances or Youtube videos of dances. They would also watch shows such as So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing with the Stars. These people value the importance of keeping the artistry of dance alive.  

2.   Purpose
The purpose of my quick reference guide is to inform my readers of the controversy about whether or not Sarah Lane got enough credit for her role as Natalie Portman’s dancing double in “Black Swan.” I want to enlighten them about all the specific details about the controversy without having a bias view. My project should leave people with their own views and opinions about the controversy. I want my audience to have a good understanding of the situation and even watch clips from the movie. They should know that the key stakeholders, such as Natalie Portman and Sarah Lane, did not mean to cause a controversy. They are both just standing up for themselves and what they believe. The setting is mainly The Academy Awards which is the reason the controversy started. The time period is modern day, 2011, which is a time of advances in the film industry.

3.   Author
This could not be a more perfect controversy for me to write my project about. I am a dance major and am very passionate about this profession. I have danced every since I was three years old and currently dance up to 6 hours a day. I also am a huge fan of Natalie Portman’s and enjoyed the movie, “Black Swan.” No one else could bring the personal connection and interest I have in this controversy. I am not just going to complete this project because it is an English assignment. I genuinely want to inform people of a controversy that is going on in the movie and dance world.

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