Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stakeholder #3

My third stakeholder is Natalie Portman and her movie crew. Natalie Portman was the main character in "Black Swan" and was directly involved in the controversy because she used a dancing double for the movie but did not give her enough credit. However, Portman tried to stay out of the controversy and did not speak much about the situation. The producer and director for the movie were the ones who defended her and spoke out.

Biard, Georges. "Natalie Portman Cannes." 4/30/15 via Wikipedia. Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported. 

Natalie Portman is a beautiful actress from Jerusalem, Israel. She is 5’3 and very petite. Portman has brown hair, along with brown sparkling eyes. She dresses very elegantly and is always really stylish. She has a look of being very mature and educated. She also walks with grace, and is light on her toes. Her voice is soft, sweet, and angelic like. Although in movies, she can sound completely different. In all of her interviews she is very polite and wants to be a good role model for everyone who looks up to her. Portman has good morals and genuinely cares about the world. Although she is a stakeholder herself, she did not want to be involved in the controversy. The people who stood up and spoke for her were her movie crew and fellow cast members. The movie crew includes the directors, producers, and choreographers for “Black Swan.” These people are all a part of the movie industry and can be reached digitally. They also have websites where people can find information about them. The movie industry is known to the world as a group of smart and creative individuals who work together to create entertainment for the world.
  • “There are articles now talking about her dance double [Lane] that are making it sound like [Lane] did a lot of the work, but really, she just did the footwork, and the fouettés, and one diagonal [phrase] in the studio. Honestly, 85 percent of that movie is Natalie.” - Benjamin Millepied, Found here.  
  • “I don’t remember my Oscar speech at all, and I’m actually too embarrassed to watch it.” – Natalie Portman. Found here.  
  • “Here is the reality. I had my editor count shots. There are 139 dance shots in the film. 111 are Natalie Portman untouched.28 are her dance double Sarah Lane. If you do the math that’s 80% Natalie Portman. What about duration? The shots that feature the double are wide shots and rarely play for longer than one second. There are two complicated longer dance sequences that we used face replacement. Even so, if we were judging by time over 90% would be Natalie Portman.” – Darren Aronofsky. Found here

All of the claims are credible because they come from people are were involved in making the movie, “Black Swan.” However, the first quote is not a fact, it is an estimate of how much dancing Millepied thought Natalie Portman did. The second quote is from Portman herself. Her claim is about her Oscar speech and how she does not remember what she said. This could pull emotion from her audience because she said she was too embarrassed to watch her speech. The third quote, from Darren Aronofsky, is a fact. He had his editor count the dance shots and gives a specific number of how many dance shots are included in the movie, and who danced them.


The first quote is similar to one of Sarah Lane’s claims because they both give an estimate of how much dancing Natalie Portman did in the movie. However, Lane said about 5% of it was done by Portman while Millepied argued that it was 85% Natalie. These claims do not have anything else in common with other claims from people involved in this debate and they have the least in common with Sarah Lane and Wendy Perron because their opinions are completely opposite.

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