Friday, February 19, 2016

Local Revision: Pronoun Usage

Below are answers to questions about my pronoun usage. The list of my pronouns that I used in my QRG can be found here.

Lamailloux, Bernard. “Se Poser Des Questions en Regardant Plus Haut.” 2/26/13 via Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic.

1. Based on your analysis, how effective is your pronoun usage in Project 1? What does actively examining your pronoun usage tell you about your writing style?

  • I feel as if my pronoun usage was effective. I used the right amount of pronouns without over doing them. Actively examining my pronoun usage made me realize I am very clear with my writing. I made it clear who/what each pronoun was in place of so there was no confusion about who/what I was referring to.  

2. Are there any instances in your project where you speak to or refer directly to the audience? If so, how effective are these moments at creating a bond or connection between audience and author? If not, why not? Explain why you're choosing to leave your audience out of your writing. There's nothing wrong with that, per se, but you should be able to give a sophisticated explanation of your choices.

  • There is only one instance in my QRG where I speak directly to my reader. It is in a subheading so it is not that effective at creating a connection between the audience and the reader. While I want to evoke an opinion about my controversy from my readers, I am not trying to connect with them personally. The goal of project one was to inform your readers about a controversy and I believe I did a good job at that without speaking directly to my readers. 

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