Friday, March 4, 2016

Production Schedule

Below is my schedule for the next week. It explains what I plan on doing for production week and when. I think this blog is really beneficial in helping me be organized and on top of the project.
Miller, Derek. “GarageBand 09 on iMac.” 4/1/09 via Flickr. Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic. 

1. Secondary Research for Evidence and Analysis

What is to be done:
  • Find as much information about my genres and how my profession uses those genres 
  • Online or University of Arizona Library
Planned Date and Time:
  • Saturday 3/5 and Sunday 3/6 whenever I have time throughout the day
Resources Required:
  • Library
  • Laptop
Date Completed:
  • Sunday night 3/5
Changes Made After Completion and Reason Why:
  • If more research is needed, I will look it up information and make whatever changes are necessary 

2. Opening Section

What is to be done:
  • Write first paragraph of essay
  • Quiet area in dorm 
Planned Date and Time:
  • Monday 3/7 around 5:30 
Resources Required:
  • Laptop
Date Completed:
  • Monday night 3/7
Changes Made After Completion and Reason Why:
  • Reread paragraph and make sure all information is there and explained clearly
  • Edit grammar 

3. Body Sections

What is to be done:
  • Write first body paragraph about one genre 
  • Write second body paragraph about second genre
  • Write third paragraph about third genre
  • Quiet area in dorm 
Planned Date and Time:
  • Tuesday 3/8, Wednesday 3/9, and Thursday 3/10 whenever I have time throughout the day to work on it 
Resources Required:
  • Laptop
Date Completed:
  • Thursday night 3/10
Changes Made After Completion and Reason Why:
  • Reread to make sure all information, evident, and sources are there
  • Make sure paragraphs flow and are in a logical order
  • Check grammar

4. Closing Section

What is to be done:
  • Write last paragraph 
  • Quiet area in dorm 
Planned Date and Time:
  • Friday 3/11 throughout the day when I find time
Resources Required:
  • Laptop
Date Completed:
  • Friday night 3/11
Changes Made After Completion and Reason Why:
  • Make sure last paragraphs concludes essay in an interesting way 
  • Edit grammar

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