Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Content Outline

For project #2 I have decided to write an essay. My project is about how professional dancers create their work and communicate their work with others. Here is an outline of what I have in mind for my essay.
Gratisography. “Sound Speaker.”n.d. via Pexels. CC0 License. 

Genre: Essay
Topic: How Professional Dancers Write and Communicate
Opening Section:
  • Introduce field
  • Describe what professionals in my field create
  • Introduce the 3 genres
3 Main Body Sections:
  • In each of the three sections, I will talk about the conventions of a different genre used in my profession
  • I will also talk about how professionals in my field use that genre
Closing Section:
  • Summary of the 3 body sections
  • Why it is important
  • Give credit and say thank you to interviewees
Main Idea for Each Section:
  1. Creating choreography

  • primary example: include quotes from interviewees about their creative process for choreographing
  • secondary examples: different ways individuals create work (write out plan, improvisation, create on the spot)

  1. Writing a resume

  • primary example: interviewees talking about resumes
  • secondary examples: how a well written resume reflects you and helps you get jobs

  1. Writing a grant

  • primary example: use grads old grant as an example
  • secondary research: what to include in grants

Major Pieces of Evidence for Each Body Section:
  1. Choreography:

  • Purpose: entertain audience
  • Emotional appeals: what emotions are you trying to evoke from your audience?
  • credibility: credibility of choreographers
  1. Resumes:

  • Purpose: inform audience of experience and skills to book a job
  • context: training, work experience, skills
  • credibility: qualifications for jobs

  1. Grants

  • Purpose: get money
  • Emotional appeals: convince donors that you would use the money best
  • Logic appeal: describe how you would use the money
  • credibility: credibility individuals using the money

Summary of What the Evidence Proves:
  • All of the evidence is proving how the 3 genres are used in my profession
  • It helps describe the conventions of each genre
  • It also helps explain their purpose, audience, author, credibility, emotional appeals, and logical appeals

Summary of Why that’s Important:
  • It is important to have evidence from people currently in my field
  • It is also important to include information from outside sources found on the internet or in books
  • This makes the information more credible
Some Ideas About How to Grab the Reader’s Attention in the Opening Section:
  • To grab the reader’s attention in the opening section they have to find the information interesting and relatable
  • It is also important to keep an interesting and captivating tone of voice, rather than monotonous
Some Ideas About How to Explain Why the Subject Matters:
  • Connect with the audience and make it personal to them
  • Explain how each genre is used in the field and why it is important
  • Also explain why communication with individuals in your field is important
Some Ideas About How to Explain the Larger Significance of your Subject in the Closing Section:

  • Explain how my profession and the genres not only affect others in the field, but also the world in general
  • Why the genres are important to the world

1 comment:

  1. This looks really promising. I especially like how you're thinking about the rhetorical concepts that you want to examine in the project. I'd like to see more clarity around which features or conventions of these genres you'll zero in on in order to discuss those concepts.... Let me know if I can be of service here.
