Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Editorial Report 15b

Below is my second editorial report for the final project. I did not change very much but every detail matters!

Selection from ‘Rough Cut’:
T: Interesting…So you had a lot of successes with the projects then?

E: Yes and no. There were many nights where I cried and felt defeated by technology. The thing about working in different genres is that you have to write an entire script, and if you were just writing an essay you would be done. However, for videos essays you need to record your voice and then add images and videos, for podcasts you need to record your voice and add sound effects and music, and for QRG’s you need to format it in the write way. All of these genres go above and beyond essays and take up immense amounts of time, especially when you have never worked in the genres before, which was my case. I had no idea how to use iMovie and it intimidated me greatly. It took me hours to figure out how to even work it and upload images and videos to it. I got a hang of it after awhile but it still took a lot of time. My mom was visiting one weekend to watch my dance show and I wouldn’t even hang out with her because I wanted to work on my video essay. Her exact quote was, “You’re working too hard on this English project.” Maybe I was, but I had already worked so hard on it and I was very invested in the project that I wanted it to be perfect. Because I am a dancer, I am a perfectionist at everything I do. That did not help me when it came to the blogs. Balancing the blogs and the projects was one of the biggest challenges for me, especially for the first project. I wanted my blogs to be perfect so I spent the entire week working on them, but then I wouldn’t have time to work on the actual project. Sometimes the blogs were very beneficial in the creation of my projects. However, a few of them I felt were a little tedious and a waste of my time, yet I still put 100% effort into them. By project two I learned to space out my time more between my blogs and project. Overall, there were many stressful nights of me crying and getting very frustrated with this class (ask my boyfriend) but I feel as if I have gained very valuable skills that will be beneficial to me later in life.

T: That is so great to hear. So you went through a lot of struggles this semester, what was it all for? What motivated you to keep you going.

Re-edited Selection:
T: Interesting…So it’s safe to say you had a lot of successes with the projects then?
E: Yes and no. There were many nights where I cried and felt defeated by technology. The thing about working in different genres is that you have to write an entire script, and if you were just writing an essay you would be done. However, for videos essays you need to record your voice and then add images and videos, for podcasts you need to record your voice and add sound effects and music, and for QRG’s you need to format it in the write way. All of these genres go above and beyond essays and take up immense amounts of time, especially when you have never worked in the genres before, which was my case. Looking back on it I would say the video essay was one of the harder project for me to accomplish.  I had no idea how to use iMovie and it just really intimidated me. It took me hours to figure out how to even work it and upload images and videos to it. I got a hang of it after awhile but it still took a lot of time. My mom was visiting one weekend to watch my dance show and I wouldn’t even hang out with her because I wanted to work on my video essay. Her exact quote was, “You’re working too hard on this English project.” Maybe I was, but I had already worked so hard on it and I was very invested in the project that I wanted it to be perfect. Because I am a dancer, I have a perfectionist mindset with everything I do. That did not help me when it came to the blogs. Balancing the blogs and the projects was one of the biggest challenges for me, especially for the first project. I wanted my blogs to be perfect so I spent the entire week working on them, but then I wouldn’t have time to work on the actual project. Sometimes the blogs were very beneficial in the creation of my projects. However, a few of them I felt were a little tedious and a waste of my time, yet I still put 100% effort into them. By project two I learned to space out my time more between my blogs and project. Overall, there were many stressful nights of me crying and getting very frustrated with this class (just ask my boyfriend) but I feel as if I have gained very valuable skills that will be beneficial to me later in life.
T: Wow, I guess no one really can anticipate how mentally taxing and time consuming the projects are going to be before they start them, but the fact that you were able to balance them along with the blogs, put in as much effort as you did, and come out better off than where you started is so great to hear. So you went through a lot of struggles this semester, but what was it all for? What motivated you to keep you going?

1. How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?
  • Again, the only thing that change from my rough cut was what my interviewee says. Before he literally said one line, “ That is so great to hear.” But after I edited the script, I gave him more of a response to what I answered to his question so it is more of a conversation rather than me just talking the entire time. 

2. How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?
  • This is the script to my podcast so the only was the form changed was that it got a little bit longer.

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